Founded in 1982, the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology (IAREP) is the natural meeting point for all those interested in the areas where psychology and economics intersect. It has a wide international membership, drawn from psychologists and economists, but also from specialists in business administration, marketing and consumer behaviour.
Twice a year, IAREP publishes a newsletter with news about IAREP and about conferences and other activities of interest to people working in the field of behavioral economics and economic psychology. The newsletter is issued by the IAREP Secretary.
The annual conference of IAREP (often organized as a joint IAREP-SABE conference) attracts academics, policy makers and practitioners from psychology, economics, business administration, marketing, consumer behavior and related fields. During the conference, the General Assembly also takes place.
The most important way in which IAREP works is as an informal network of friends and colleagues, which successfully crosses national and disciplinary borders. Many research publications have originated in the cross-fertilization of ideas that occurs when people of different backgrounds meet and discuss common problems with an open mind.